Leadership Development Academy

DescriptionLeadership Development Academy Badge

The Leadership Development Academy prepares educational leaders (faculty and staff) with essential leadership skills through ten sessions that help each participant leverage inherent strengths. Sessions of the Leadership Development Academy provide leadership exposure from internal lecturers, guest speakers, civic outreach through service opportunities, and invaluable networking opportunities with like-minded peers from across the university.

Earning Criteria

The verified recipient of this badge has demonstrated competence in the following areas.
• Understanding of leadership theory and framework
• Understanding and application of DISC behavioral theories
• Understanding of leadership ethics
• Cultivating effective leadership relationships
• Understanding the strategies of leading in intercultural environments
• Knowing and understanding ECU’s leadership definition

Participants will…
• Complete the DISC behavior assessment
• Complete five service-learning hours
• Demonstrate empathy and an understanding of employees
• Evaluate university challenges and develop strategies for leading change
• Participate in a book talk and Leadership Lunch lecturettes
• Develop “networks” within the university

This badge is issued to all attendees of the ECU Leadership Development Academy, starting in spring 2021, who earn their certification and met the following conditions.
• Complete and apply DISC behavior assessment to case study
• Attend nine of ten sessions/events
• Complete goal setting activity
• Provide evidence of their leadership capacity through participation in community service project, book talk, and lecturettes